New This Spring !

Feb. 11, 2025


Good morning Parkland Families,

We have a couple new and important things to share this spring season.

  1. Coaches will be able to practice 1-2 times a week
  2. We will be having additional group training sessions on top of regular practices with guest coaches to help build athlete skill sets and decision making “Optional Attendance”
  3. Spring League includes league play, 1-2 tournaments (dependant on cost of each tournament) as well as City Championships (EYBA)
  4. EYBA Spring League Format has changed:

EYBA is now offering two separate leagues of play:

  • EYBA Community Affiliated Spring League (Must belong to an EYBA association and is ONLY for EYBA member community teams)
  • Open/Club Spring League (Non EYBA teams, and EYBA Teams who choose to play against clubs)

This was done to allow community organizations to continue to play against other community affiliated organizations only.

  1. New reduce fees:

11U - $325.00

13U, 15U, 18U - $375.00

  1. Note: 18U Age Restrictions / 2007-2009 or any 2006 athlete who is currently still enrolled in high school.


  1. Anyone who volunteers to coach may obtain a promo code to reduce registration fee’s by 35% - Contact Jay Ouellette at and include “Coach Code” in subject line.

**Registration is limited (already 35% full after 1 day) and closes midnight March 11th 2025**



EYBA Spring League Details

Parkland Spring Details  



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