Parkland Basketball continues to grow and we need your help. We want to do our best to accommodate everyone, and ensure the best experience for every member.

With our growing numbers we are looking for more volunteers, coaches, team managers, and division coordinators (Winter Season only); we are willing to train all. Parkland Is a non for profit volunteer organization that depends on our volunteers to keep things going. We offer our volunteers various training opportunities. All coaches will receive free NCCP fundamentals training.

If you are looking to volunteer and wish to be a head coach, assistant coach, or team manager; there is an area you may indicate as such during the registration process. Head coaches will receive a 35% rebate or discount off of their child's registration and Assitant Coaches will get 20% Off.

How to get your discount:

Conatct Jay Ouellette at to receive your promo code.

Include "Coaches Code" in subject line of email and please indicate whether you will be an Assistant Coach / Head Coach and what age category and boys or girls division.

*If you do not fulfill your coaching obligation for the full season the discounted funds will be added back to your registration package for payment.*

  • For those volunteers that do not have children and choose to help our program we are now providing a financial honorarium. 


If you or anybody you know is interested in helping please contact Jay Ouellette @

 **This year we also have planned mentor sessions for new coaches, and group training opportunities with our experienced coaches. So step up take the plunge and lets make sure nobody is left out

 If we do not get coaches, team numbers may be reduced and programs modified. We have capped registration numbers based on projected gyms and coaches.**










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